About the Culinarygypsy

The Culinary Gypsy is about moving forward but leaving a message behind.

I see the world through the pallette and the palate.

My blogs will be about me, my travels, the people who have touched me and my food (with a little politics mixed in)

Cooking and the love of cuisine, like life is a journey and if you have the same passion for different cuisines as I do you will know that the preparation and serving of fine food is more than just a pleasant experience; it is a lifetime journey chock-full of discovery. We all have so many recollections and memories that can be related back to food. Reflect for a moment about the food that has influenced you or reminds you of something important in your life — the food that you didn’t just eat, but actually noticed and the taste of certain dishes that can carry you back to a familiar time and place. It’s the simple foods!

It’s the uncomplicated foods that are the most fantastic foods. It is food that is not merely cooked but transformed from its pristine natural state, not altered but elevated to its fullest potential.

It is no wonder that the best cuisines have always been cooked by people who were not trying to impress or win awards but who are merely trying to survive and feed a family with the natural seasonal products that are available to them. They did not care or know about “fusion”, foam infusions or any of the fancy terms we use today, but they did understand the source and nature of their produce. This is why I seek to achieve and to cook food that tastes like its ingredients. No more (con) fusions, gelatins or fancy kitchen handiwork. Just to cook well, to cook simply and truthfully.
Passing on the knowledge

Over the years and after being involved in the kitchens and Food & Beverage in so many different countries with people of all races, religions and cultures and watching them braise, sauté, mince, chop, emulsify, knead, blend, pound, caramelize, and plate their way through their shifts, I have I hope, helped them transform into confident chefs and F&B managers. I now know that the simple magic that occurs each day in these kitchens and restaurants transcends cultures.

We are in the midst of a culinary revolution. I have stated my mission, and we will now return to the kitchen, clear out all the baggage of pseudo- intellectual garbage and get down to the business of true cooking. I realize this more than ever after all the countries I have worked in that food is a celebration of life. In each part of the world that I have been I discovered that distinctive relationship with food that the people have. Through the food of all these regions, I’ve learned to enjoy the simple pleasures of culinary experimentation. Wherever I find myself, I seem to learn something new about food. As I make these discoveries, I’ll continue to share this passion for cooking and cuisines.

I feel comfortable with all foods as long as they are the best and freshest available 

There are no particular ingredients. This all depends on the type of dish being prepared but I do insist on only the freshest and best quality products to be used in any dish.

 Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity. This is the ultimate challenge! There should be no more than two to three main ingredients in any dish. A balance of flavors and textures with the principals of opposites (ying /yang) crispy with soft, sweet with sour, bland with spicy etc together with proper cooking techniques to create a harmonious and delicious dish.

The dishes we prepare and serve belong to no one and every one. We are all inspired by our life experiences and what is around us. The cultures we are exposed to and the ingredients that are available. Cooking is as influenced by all of this as is everything else we do. These are not “creations” It’s just cooking Nothing more, nothing less!!!

No junk food! Nothing from a can or frozen and if possible cook it yourself. Everything else is good………..in moderation!

…….  Keep On Cooking!

And as they say “watch this space”

One thought on “About the Culinarygypsy

  1. Guten Tag Bruno,

    ich bin begeistert: Die Website und ihr Spirit sind eine Entdeckung, das Angebot für Texter und Ghostwriter zur Mitarbeit am kulinarischen Reisebuch war mir zuvor zufällig auf ebay begegnet. Klingt nach einem Super-Projekt, daher hoffe ich sehr: das Angebot ist noch aktuell.

    Ich habe viele Jahre als Journalistin/Filmkritikerin (Süddeutsche Zeitung, Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung u.a. Tageszeitungen) und PR-Texterin (Filmfest München, Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen u.a.) gearbeitet, bevor ich vor 15 Jahren in meinen heutigen Job als Sprecherin in einem deutschen Großkonzern eingestiegen bin.

    Ab Anfang Januar wird mir dieser Hauptjob endlich wieder erlauben, mir die Projekte auszusuchen, die mir Spaß machen – ein Start in eine wiedergewonnene berufliche Freiheit, zu dem Ihr Projekt sehr gut passen könnte.

    Ich lebe in Berlin Schöneberg. Eine Gelegenheit zum Kennenlernen würde mich sehr freuen!

    Ihnen eine gute Zeit zwischen den Jahren und einen guten Start für 2019!

    Beste Grüße
    Barbara Tünnemann


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